So what's so great about Sea Moss?!
With 92 out of the 102 minerals that your body is made up of, it is one of the most powerful and mineral dense sea weeds in the ocean - making it nature's own multivitamin.
Purple or Beige Sea Moss?
Purple Sea Moss has a higher monatomic mineral content and availbility useful for REPAIRING DNA AND REGENERATING BRAIN / NERVE CELLS. The natural purple anthocyanins give the purple seamoss an added antioxidants benefit which protect the body from harmful free radicals within the body. In summary - it rebuilds the body.
Gold Sea Moss is more commonly occuring in the oceans and fundamentally helps the body break toxins down. It also has a plethora of minerals that we can obtain tonnes of nutritional benefits from It also has a plethora of minerals that we can obtain tonnes of nutritional benefits from as well as sharing its key benefits with the purple seamoss.
Undecided? Start with Gold to break down toxins, proceed with Purple to rebuild the body.
Is your Sea Moss real?
We only supply 100% organic wildcrafted Sea Moss from the beautiful oceans of Jamaica. You will know if the Sea Moss is fake as it will have a load of salt on it that accumalates from pool grown moss. Our Sea Moss is taken from the rocks... and this is where the moss gets it's high nutritional content from. So if you see it grown on lines in the sea or in pools - you're not getting the proper nutritional value from it.
Where did Sea Moss even come from?
In Ireland 1840s, there was a devastating potato famine that caused thousands of deaths. Citizens retreated to the oceans and began eating the Sea Moss. This allowed people to not only survive but also to thrive during periods of starvation and this is why it has been a staple ever since. Sea Moss was also used to treat respiratory diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis.
Ready to enhance your well-being and vitality? Address issues related to your skin, cognitive function, heart health, liver health, and immunity with nature's multivitamin.
No more dull skin, brain fog, and weakened immunity. Instead, immerse yourself in the transformative potential of seamoss to revitalize your body from within.
Colour may vary slightly.
***This product is a natural dietary supplement intended for nutritional support.This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is for educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.***
Wildcrafted Jamaican Sea Moss Gold / Purple
1. Wash and scrub the seamoss with lime and spring water.
2. Cover the sea moss in cold spring water overnight.
3. Clean the sea moss again with lime 2-3 times.
4. Optional step - Boil *
3. Add the seamoss to the blender with fresh Spring Water. For every 30g soaked use about a cup of water.
4. Blend and add more water untill the desired consistency is reached.
5. Pour in a glass jar and leave in the fridge to harden.
This will last up to 30 days in the fridge.
*If you want an extremely smooth more gel like texture, bring pot to boil. Once boiling, cover and simmer on low for 20-25 minutes. However this step can reduce some of the Sea Moss's nutritional value.