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12 Most Effective Step By Step Cleanses to Aid Weight Loss & Transform Your Health That the Mainstream Don't Want You to Know.


After having recently completed my 20 Day Detox, and experiencing some tremendous results, I wrote this eBook to share the hows and the whys. 


During the process, I lost a little over 1 stone, my hair and nails grew rapidly, my skin was glowing, all bodily odours had totally ceased - even morning breath, my constant migraines totally disappeared, my stiff back and neck pain stopped, my dandruff completely went, as well as major improvements with a few other personal things, and above all, the frequency I resonated on was the highest and most purest I had ever felt. All I felt was LOVE. The only way to explain it was that it felt like I was IN love - but with myself. 


Our body is the machine keeping us alive - knowing how to look after and nurture this is something that should be a birth right. Our health is our responsibility and it's time to learn and act upon improving our immune systems, our health and our vitality.

The Complete Beginners Detox Manual



    You Will Learn How To:


    🌱Break Conventional Myths - Learn the basic biological laws of the body that govern true health so you can keep your body in alignment preventing trips to the doctors.


    🌱Detox Safely - Learn how to safely start and break a fast, factors to be careful of during a fast and individuals who should be cautious when fasting.


    🌱Take Charge of Your Health - Understand to the 4 Stages to Disease & the 3 Stages to Healing.


    🌱Perform At Home Tests to See if Your Body is Working Optimally - Undertake simple but practical tests at home to determine the true state of your insides and what may need special attention.


    🌱Transition Effectively - For those ready to transition to a plant based lifestyle, gain important insight into maximising your health based potential.


    🌱Use Herbs to Support Your Body - Learn the main herbs useful for each organ of the body, how to use them and how they can enhance a fast or detox.

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