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The Complete Beginners

12 Most Effective Step By Step Cleanses to Aid Weight Loss & Transform Your Health That the Mainstream Don't Want You to Know.


Just £19.95


Detox Manual



Tried many different diets? Still at square one your health or with gut issues? Do you just want to feel better but don’t know where to start? 

'I've been small, I've been big - but I was never truly satisfied until I was healthy.' - Divine Serena


A Healed gut, iron levels 4x, full of energy, energised off minimal sleep, peaceful periods, no skin breakouts, no more excess gas, a calm gut, no odours at all, normal liver enzyme and B12 values, healthy weight and lifestyle maintained


Fatigued, stiff neck, iron deficient, gut issues & imbalance, terrible monthly pains, elevated liver enzymes, low B12, stressed, painful joints, poor circulation, candida, migraines, memory issues, brainfog, hard to maintain a healthy weight


The Simple Truth is: We Want Results, Real Results & We Want it Now.

The Old Way

Long gone are the days of detox and fad diets with no proper direction.


Weight loss isn't no longer the only goal, it's Full Body Healing - mentally, physically and spiritually.


This is how we stay on track properly and transform our life, for good.


My issues stemmed from food sensitivities, antibiotic over usage and lack of detox. How about yours?

The New Way:

Break Conventional Myths

Learn the basic biological laws of the body that govern true health so you can keep your body in alignment preventing trips to the doctors.

Detox Safely

Learn how to safely start and break a fast, factors to be careful of during a fast and individuals who should be cautious when fasting.

Take Charge of Your Health

Understand to the 4 Stages to Disease & the 3 Stages to Healing

Perform At Home Tests to See if Your Body is Working Optimally

Undertake simple but practical tests at home to determine the true state of your insides and what may need special attention.

Transition Effectively

For those ready to transition to a plant based lifestyle, gain important insight into maximising your health based potential.

Use Herbs to Support Your Body

Learn the main herbs useful for each organ of the body, how to use them and how they can enhance a fast or detox.

''When the student is ready, the teacher will appear''


​Over the past decade, I’ve been a teacher of science but, more importantly, a student of life. As someone who has personally struggled with health issues—ranging from autoimmunity to severe gut disturbances—I know how absolutely overwhelming it can feel when nothing feels like its working. But through dedication, self-discovery, and deep exploration, I found the answers I needed to heal from the inside out, and I'm here to spread the word.


I invested thousands of pounds, spent thousands of hours and travelled thousands of miles searching for natural healing methods to "fix" myself. I tried every herb and detox out there - but nothing seemed to work and my body was still reacting with troubling symptoms.


At one point, I felt completely drained. Exhausted, overwhelmed, and questioning whether I would ever feel better, I kept pushing forward. Deep down, I knew there was a reason I had been guided down this path. I knew there was a reason why key figures like Dr. Sebi had inspired me to pursue natural healing and I knew why that faith instilled within me would not disappear. But despite some temporary relief, the core issues remained unresolved.


"Why isn’t anything working? Will I ever be fixed?"


Then, everything started to fall into place. I studied some more and stumbled upon some insight that reframed the way I approached my detoxification. Finally, it clicked.


I realised I had been overlooking some of the simplest yet most essential fundamentals of healing. Once I understood these principles, I put them into practice, and my health transformed. My body, which had been crying out for help, began to heal—quickly. In just weeks, I saw dramatic improvements in both my physical health and the results of my blood tests.


What I learned is that detoxification isn’t just about taking herbs or switching to a plant-based diet and hoping for the best. It’s an intricate, well-ordered process grounded in science. There's a sequence to follow, specific tests that need to be done, and a holistic approach that requires not just dietary changes, but a full lifestyle and mindset shift. 


This new approach—grounded in both science and intuition—brought true transformation. Once I understood this, everything changed. The symptoms that had been a cry for help finally started to ease.


It was in this moment that I knew I had to share my journey and the knowledge I’d gained ...


Which is why I created The Complete Beginners Detox Manual.​


If you’ve tried different diets and detoxes but feel like you’re stuck, this manual will fill the missing gaps. It provides the clarity and confidence to take the right steps, helping you feel empowered and sure of your path.


I know from personal experience how life-changing it can be to get that final push in the right direction—the kind that turned years of frustration into weeks of healing.


It all starts with understanding your body, getting back to nature, and trusting that you can heal.


If you’re feeling like nothing is working, please know it’s not your fault.


So often, natural healing methods are dismissed by modern medicine, despite their ancient roots, in existence for thousands and thousands of years in comparison to Western Medicine that has only been around for 200 years.


Did you know that medical doctors receive just 25 hours of nutritional training in their six to ten years of study? Nutrition is what fuels every cell in our body! How can we overlook the most fundamental element of our very existence? But healing doesn’t have to be a mystery.


The FACT is; we all need a periodic full-body detoxification and reset - especially after the years of abuse our bodies have been subject to in these current conditions.


However, with so much conflicting information out there, and “healing gurus” charging extortionate fees for their courses, it’s so easy to feel unsure about where to begin. You might be left questioning if you’re doing the right thing or if healing is even possible for you.


But, you no longer have to worry - you are in the right place now. Get ready to embark on a magical journey to detox, heal, and reach the healthy, vibrant life you deserve—inside and out.


This Detox Manual is your roadmap to healing—starting today.


Instead of spending years searching for answers, you’ll have everything you need to begin transforming your health right now.


Let’s start this beautiful journey together.


Happy Healing​, Divine Serena



Detox Tracker

Keep track of your mood changes, water intake, goals and bodily changes to monitor progress and log symptoms.

Access to the Detox Discord Group

Join a like-minded group of individuals on similar detox journeys, offering encouragement, motivation, and accountability.

Alkaline Grocery List

Simplify meal planning, helping you stock up on foods that support overall wellness, reduce acidity, and contribute to a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.

20 of the most FAQ

Quick answers to common questions, helping you to  understand the detox process on a personal level, benefits, and expectations, ensuring a smooth and informed experience.

Key Cited Studies

Research-backed evidence and educational insights so you can make fully informed decisions.

Herb & Supplement Recommendations

Includes some carefully selected herb and supplement recommendations that are supported by scientific research to enhance your detox experience.

Everything you need to know in one book.

The Detox Manual

After having recently completed my 20 Day Detox, and experiencing some tremendous results, I wrote this eBook to share the hows and the whys. 


During the process, I lost a little over 1 stone, my hair and nails grew rapidly, my skin was glowing, all bodily odours had totally ceased - even morning breath, my constant migraines totally disappeared, my stiff back and neck pain stopped, my dandruff completely went, as well as major improvements with a few other personal things, and above all, the frequency I resonated on was the highest and most purest I had ever felt. All I felt was LOVE. The only way to explain it was that it felt like I was IN love - but with myself. 


Our body is the machine keeping us alive - knowing how to look after and nurture this is something that should be a birth right. Our health is our responsibility and it's time to learn and act upon improving our immune systems, our health and our vitality.


About The Author


From a young child, my body had always been quite sensitive leading me to suffer from health issues that western medicine had never been able to answer for. I was put on many rounds of antibiotics which contributed to a myriad of health issues further on in life that I have managed to heal from using alkaline food, medicinal herbs and lifestyle. Having grown up following normalised cultural toxic food habits, I had never seen the error in my ways until I began to study and practise holistic health.


I took it upon my self to understand my body in a way that was so enlightening. I changed my diet to a primarily plant based diet, I started implementing fasting regimes and also began to utilise medicinal herbs. I noticed my problems were disappearing one by one and since, I have never looked back.


Members of my family were also suffering with various ailments, so I started to work on herbal combinations which proved successful. This led me to branch out further and help those within the community. I finally began to understand the root causes of ill health and the use nature's medicine and the body's innate ability to regenerate.


My mission on Earth is to facilitate the healing of our people, educate and provide the resources necessary to make health a lifestyle. By providing the necessary knowledge to assist in the prevention of disease, the healing of ailments and the maintenance of health, I feel as though I am fulfilling my divine purpose.


I am qualified in Herbalism and Advanced Master Herbalism, I’m currently on Year 3 of my Biology degree at University and on the last part of my Live Blood Analysis course. I have done foundational Iridology, an introduction to Functional Medicine and Personal Training Level 1 and 2. I attend Afrikan World Studies weekly and have travelled the world in pursuit of knowledge from Ghana, Tanzania to Columbia, Thailand and India - residing in the mountains, jungles islands & villages, on the quest for ascension.


After completing my 20 day fruit fast in 2021, I was compelled to write this eBook due to the tremendous results I achieved. I hope you gain some insight into detoxing and why your body will love you for it!



Love Always,

Divine Serena x

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